
Favourite Fictional Characters | TV & Film

We've been working on an exciting project lately that has lead us to indulge in long conversations about our favourite fictional characters, so we thought we'd share a few of them with you. It'd be really interesting, and extremely helpful, if you could share your favourite fictional characters from TV and film in the comments too! Thanks, guys. We're hoping to bring you lots of adventure posts this summer, so watch this space!

michael scott lifestyle blog the office the finer things club

michael scott 
BI think Michael Scott is one of the cleverest fictional characters of all time. He pretty much always says the wrong thing, apart from those rare occasions when he shows a great deal of compassion towards his colleagues. I don't know anyone that doesn't note Michael Scott as one of their favourite things about The Office. He just brings such an interesting dynamic to the show and to comedy, in general. If you haven't watched it, you really really should. 

georges hautecourt disney fictional characters tv blog the finer things club lifestyle entertainment

georgEs hautecourt 
BThe Aristocats was one of my favourite films as a child and I'm still incredibly fond of it. Whilst I was a big Marie fan, Mum tells me that I always used to laugh hysterically at Georges whenever he popped up on screen, probably because he reminded me of my Grandad - who was equally as eccentric. I adore Georges, from his ridiculous glasses to his fragile dance moves. I still laugh whenever I think of this exchange between him and Edgar, the butler, who is trying to help him up the stairs after Georges refuses to use the 'bird cage' of an elevator: 

E: May I give you a hand, sir?

G: You wouldn't have an extra foot, would you, Edgar? 

top fictional characters lumpy space princess adventure time blog

lumpy space princess 
BOH MY GLOB! I'm not even that far into Adventure Time yet but I already love Lumpy Space Princess, like seriously. LSP has some pretty important things to say and I'm looking forward to listening to more of them. 

april ludgate

april ludgate 
BApril just gets me, you know?! I just absolutely love her brand of dead-pan apathetic humour. I can usually be found laughing along to every single one of her scenes because I just get what she means. She's pretty much my patronus. I'm also totally all over her and Andy. They just work. 

walter bishop favourite fictional characters list the finer things club blog

LWhat a great character John Noble created! While I did enjoy Fringe, it did struggle to keep the quality flowing from the first season to the last. However, the one character who stuck with it, and who I loved from start to finish, was Walter Bishop. He has got to be one of the funniest and oddest characters I have seen in a TV series and I find I just can't stop smiling when he's on screen, even if he does have some nasty skeletons in his closet.

harvey specter the finer things club blog

harvey specter 
LSuits is one of the newer TV series I've started watching but it didn't take many episodes for me to like the characters and care about the stuff that goes on around them. While Donna Paulsen and Louis Litt get honorable mentions, Harvey Specter, played by Gabriel Macht, wins it for me. He's practically Bruce Wayne...if he decided to take another path in the realm of justice.  

die hard movie blog uk lifestyle the finer things club

john mcclane 
LI couldn't have a fictional character list without including a character played by Bruce Willis could I?! There's not too much explaining to do here really as John McClane is one of the most iconic action heroes of the 20th century. Saying that, I really wish they hadn't dragged him into this century. I think Die Hard 5 was the only film that made me cry last year...

daryl dixon the walking dead top fictional characters tv film review blog the finer things club uk entertainment blog

daryl dixon
LI found it difficult to choose just four fictional characters for this post but I'm going to give Daryl a mention. Bee and I just finished watching the latest season of The Walking Dead, which was awesome by the way, and the episodes following Daryl were the best. He's one of the characters I've grown to love as the seasons have gone on because you can see just how much his character has developed from his introduction in the first season. 

NOW THAT WE'VE shared some of our favourites with you, tell us...
  Who's your favourite fictional character from TV and FILM? 
What character has shaped you the most?
• What character would you like to be more like? 

LEAVE US YOUR ANSWERS IN THE COMMENTS BELOW or tweet us @tftcblog. If you enjoyed this post, feel free to subscribe through Bloglovin and check us out on Twitter. We'll see you on Wednesday.

with regards, THE FINER THINGS CLUB.



  1. My favourite has got to be Gene Hunt from Ashes to Ashes and Life on Mars - he makes me belly laugh so much!

    Saskia / girlinbrogues.com

  2. April Ludgate is my hero. I think my favourite character from TV has to be Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, not that I aim to be anything like him...

    Chelsea x
    Love in Modern Life

  3. Ooh it's so tricky to narrow it down, Suzy from Moonrise Kingdom and Lloyd Dobler from Say Anything are definitely two of my favourites from film!

    Tash | The Little Happys

  4. Ahhhhh Daryl Dixon - couldn't agree more. Love him.

    I'd say one of my favourite fictional characters is Walter White from Breaking Bad - without giving away too much about the show, I love the transition he goes through (this all comes down to the amazing writing and Bryan Cranston's acting!)

    My favourite Adventure Time character has to be Treetrunk, although I have no idea why!

    Film character wise I'm not sure to be honest! x

  5. Tywin Lannister is undeniably badass, also a big fan of Frank Underwood, I'm nearing the end of season 1 of House of Cards. Basically I like characters that I should hate.

  6. Daryl is great, he grows so much as Walking Dead progresses. I'm with AimeeJaney on Frank Underwood. He is such a bad piece of work, but his character is addictive. Cheering on characters that are pretty much evil shows some amazing writing from The House Of Cards people. Hate the game not the player.


Please leave your comments below! If you've got a burning question for us, why not tweet us at: @tftcblog!