
TV & Film Related Goods | Etsy Wishlist

You've probably grasped by now that we like our films and television shows. We have been known to stay up to the early hours of the morning watching television shows, after swearing many hours before that we would only watch 'just one more episode'. This love for TV and film happily permeates other areas of our lives, particularly when it comes to decor, and as Luke's room is due a bit of a freshen up, we have been scouring Etsy for works of art and other goodies. Here are a few of our favourite movie and TV related Etsy finds! Let us know your favourites in the comments below because we are also looking for inspiration! 

sharper peggy

the shire retro travel poster by teacup piranha
Forget Grand Designs or Homes Under the Hammer, Bilbo and his fellow hobbits know best when it comes to architecture, and if for some strange reason even owning this piece brings us a little closer to the real thing then we just have to have it! We would also rather like to own the LOTR, Game of Thrones and Star Wars sets!

john mcclane typography print by 17thandoak
John McClane deserves a place on your wall if you want to honour, in our opinion, one of the very best action heroes of the 90's and the best action film of that decade. We also love this Drive print, this Hans Solo print, this Darth Vader print and this Indiana Jones print

breaking bad jesse 'bitch' sticker by bestplayever
If you're a Breaking Bad fan, which nearly everyone seems to be these days, there's loads of awesome merch in this Etsy store. This sticker set would be pretty good for upcycling an unsightly notebook with - although it's probably not advisable if this notebook is going to be seen by grandparents / bosses / teachers, etc. We also love this Royal Tenenbaums print, this Moonrise Kingdom print and the complete Breaking Bad sticker pack

daenerys print by velvetwolves
This print is absolutely stunning and pretty perfect for any Game of Thrones fan, especially if you want them to know that they're your 'sun and stars'! Bee also loves this Great Gatsby print and this Bowie print

dwight 'plague' print by beinglittle
Lyzi drew this beauty for Bee and she's the lucky owner of the original. However, luckily for you, she is now selling prints of it! Bee absolutely adores it and it's an essential bit of merch for any crazed fan of The Office. She's also got a beautiful print of Enid from Ghost World that you can go take a look at, too.  

sam moonrise kingdom brooch by andsmile
Bee actually has this brooch and thinks it's bloody marvellous! When it's not pinned to her, it takes pride of place on one of her bookshelves. If you haven't seen Moonrise Kingdom, we thoroughly recommend it! We also love the Sherlock print, the Steve Zissou print and Unicorn necklace

snape 'always' print by nanlawson
Who doesn't love Snape?! This print is beautiful and really quite heart breaking. We also love the Fantastic Mr Fox, Jon Snow, Spiderman, Edward Scissorhands, Tyrion and Arya prints!

raiders of the lost ark print by peterstrainshop
This little beauty has way more character than your bog-standard movie poster and will turn even the most average of paint licked walls into a shrine to awesome cinema. We also love the Gremlins print, Breaking Bad print and Back to the Future print 

NOW THAT we've shared our etsy picks, tell us...
 What are your favourite Etsy shops? 
• Do you own any movie or TV memorabilia? 

LEAVE US YOUR ANSWERS IN THE COMMENTS BELOW or tweet us using @tftcblog. If you enjoyed this post, feel free to subscribe through Bloglovin and check us out on Twitter. We'll see you on Sunday! 

with regards, THE FINER THINGS CLUB.



  1. love the Jesse sticker! :) I have always wanted a coaster set from the Dexter merch which looks like blood slides :D

  2. All of them are cool, but I particularly like the sixth and seventh. I'm a potterhead. I don't own any memorabilia, but my room is getting redecorated soon so I better get hunting. Right, I must stop looking at blogs, and get my head down on revision for my first university exam which is on tomorrow. Have a nice day guys.

  3. These are great finds, thanks for sharing :)

  4. Love these! I could fill my home with probably all of them. I think my sister would actually cry over that Snape print! Kind-of-related-but-a-little-bit-off-topic: have you looked at the Ikea Ribba (ha!) picture shelves? Really cheap but so good. We have a few and you can pile a whole load of lovely prints up on them, and change around when you get bored. Nice to pretty stuff up a bit!

    Chambray & Curls

  5. That Snape picture is so lovely and heartbreaking all at once. I love graphics from movies and books! Also I've yet to see Moonrise Kingdom and this is making me kick myself for forgetting to watch it everytime I go to put a movie on.
    Cheers guys, loving your blog so far!

  6. uh oh, so many things I now need to buy xx


Please leave your comments below! If you've got a burning question for us, why not tweet us at: @tftcblog!